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Common Acid Reflux Cures

Acid reflux, which is often, called heartburn or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) occurs when the hydrochloric acid produced by the parietal cells in the stomach makes its way into the lower esophagus. When this happens, and individual will experience a sensation of burning in the throat or chest. Other symptoms may include dysphagia and coughing. There are a variety of different acid reflux cures.

Medications To Cure Acid Reflux

In order to provide quick acid reflux cures, antacids are frequently used. Antacids, such as Maalox, are sold in most pharmacies and grocery stores. Antacids generally contain a mixture of MgOH and AlOH and they act by neutralizing stomach acid. These antacids are available as liquids and pills. Tums is a type of antacid that contains CaOH. It also works by neutralizing stomach acids, but it contains calcium, which gives it the additional benefit of being a calcium supplement.

Antacids have been around for quite a long time. The next type of medication that was developed to reduce stomach acid are called the histamine antagonists. Histamine antagonists work directly on the parietal cells of the stomach that produce acid. By blocking the H-2 histamine receptor of parietal cells, it was found that these cells produce much less hydrochloric acid. Tagamet, whose generic is cimetidine, was the first histamine antagonist that was marketed. Later other H-2 antagonists such as Zantac and Pepcid were produced. All of these products are still marketed over the counter today and are widely available.

Latest Methods and Medications

The latest and most effective medications that are used to treat acid reflux are call proton pump blockers. These medications actually stop the parietal cells from emitting hydrochloric acid into your stomach. Nowadays, even proton pump blockers are sold over the counter and marketed under brand names such as Prevacid, Nexium, and Prilosec.

Reduce Triggers for Your Acid Reflux

There are a number of adjustments in lifestyle that you can engage in to achieve acid reflux cures. In many people a change in diet can make a very large difference and this will frequently be recommended by physicians as a treatment. Obese individuals will often be advised to decrease their intake of dietary fat in order to lose weight. In addition, fats are difficult to digest and promote acid reflux. In addition, excess body weight tends to push additional hydrochloric acid into the lower esophagus.

Foods that lead to an acid reflux attack should be eliminated. Foods that frequently cause heartburn, include garlic, tomatoes, onions, beverages containing caffeine, alcohol, citrus fruits, fatty foods, chocolate and very spicy foods.

Acid reflux sufferers should also reduce the quantity of food they consume at any one sitting. Eat smaller portions more frequently and avoid eating prior to going to sleep. When you sleep, you should keep your head elevated and never lie down flat subsequent to eating. If you sleep with the upper portion of your body elevated, gravity will allow less hydrochloric acid to make its way into your esophagus.

Understanding Acid Reflux Disease

Up to 33% of individuals experience problems with acid reflux disease, yet many people are unaware of how to effectively manage this common ailment. The following article outlines proven strategies to help you combat acid reflux and improve your quality of life.

Common Triggers of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is often triggered by certain foods and beverages. Some common offenders include:

  • Caffeinated beverages: Coffee and tea can exacerbate symptoms.
  • Chocolate: Known to relax the lower esophageal sphincter, allowing acid to escape.
  • Fried foods: High-fat content can increase acid production.
  • Acidic foods: Tomatoes and citrus fruits can worsen symptoms.

To minimize symptoms, it is advisable to avoid these foods entirely.

Natural Remedies and Supplements

Slippery Elm

Slippery elm is a supplement that can help thicken the mucous lining of the stomach, providing protection against acid. It is effective in safeguarding the gut lining from stomach acid.

Nicotine and Acid Reflux

Nicotine can worsen acid reflux by increasing stomach acid production. Quitting smoking may alleviate symptoms.

Lifestyle Changes for Heartburn Relief

Weight Management

Losing weight can significantly reduce heartburn symptoms, as obesity is a common cause. However, avoid extreme dieting schemes.

Stress Reduction

Reducing stress from work, relationships, or personal issues can decrease stomach acid production. Consider stress management techniques to help control the reflux.

Understanding pH Levels and Acid Reflux

The acidity of food does not always correlate with its pH level. For example, acidic foods like lemons become alkaline upon digestion. Understanding the pH of various foods can help manage symptoms.

Dietary Adjustments

Avoid Large Meals Before Bed

Refrain from consuming large meals before bedtime to prevent nighttime heartburn. Adjusting your sleeping position can also help keep stomach acids in place.

Exercise and Clothing

Regular exercise can help maintain proper body function, but excessive physical activity may cause indigestion. Wearing loose clothing can prevent unnecessary pressure on the stomach, reducing your symptoms.

Additional Tips

  • Moderate Alcohol Consumption: Occasional drinking is acceptable, but moderation is key.
  • Stay Active After Meals: Avoid lying down immediately after eating.
  • Honey: Raw, unpasteurized honey may help reduce symptoms.
  • Avoid Certain Foods: Limit intake of spicy foods, onions, garlic, coffee, and alcohol.


Acid reflux disease affects millions of people worldwide. If you are among those affected, don’t let it control your life. Take proactive steps to combat it. By implementing the tips shared here, you can live a life free from the pain.